Dutch Settlement Elementary

Learning at Home Message to Families

Dear Families:
The staff and myself would like to THANK YOU for your patience as we all work toward getting settled in with learning-at-home, figuring out invitations, links, websites, GNSPES and reading emails. It's a lot; we understand.
We are focused on supporting our students, and understand that, while all students are expected to participate fully in learning-at-home, this looks different from home to home. We aim to work flexibly with you to accommodate, modify and extend ourselves to allow students every opportunity to demonstrate learning; please reach out to us as needed.
Please continue doing all you can to encourage your child’s daily participation.  We know that students work at different rates. For some, the amount of assigned work may be 'just right', and for others too much or too little. Communicate with us if this is presenting as a challenge. As parents, we want to help our children every way we can. However, please bare in mind it is extremely important that students submit their work, which must be completed independently. Students continue to have attendance taken, their work assessed by teachers, and to have this evidence included as part of their report card/IPP report.
We value your support, and understand some of you are also working from home in addition to caring for your children, families, staff included. All any of us can do is our best: to be flexible, patient, check in regularly with messages and invitations from teachers, and allow your learner (and yourselves) breaks as online learning requires a different level of energy and independence.
When you have a question requiring support, please reach out to your child's teacher or myself, we are all available to assist in the ways we can. So, please be encouraged to take a breath, reinforce your child for their efforts, and don’t give up! We’re doing just fine!
This information will also be posted on the schools website.
Take care and stay safe,
Terry Barro