Dutch Settlement Elementary

School Opening Information update Sept 18

Week 2 of being back to school is behind us. The students and staff have been busy practicing new routines and settling in to the new normal. I am extremely happy to see the students following the safety protocols for mask wearing and sanitizing.
At this time, I would like to share a few items:
Please understand that the school is obligated to follow the Public Safety information outlined in the COVID-19 Daily Checklist, Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Schools, A Parent and Guardians’ Guide to the 2020-21 School Year and Our Shared Health, Our Shared Responsibility documents. All have been attached to this message. I encourage you to familiarize yourselves with these documents.

If grade 3 to 6 students arrive after 7:55 they are to enter the building through the main doors.

A reminder that we are a nut sensitive school. We have students who are allergic to nuts so please only send in items that are nut free. Thank you.

A reminder that for safety reasons we are not able to heat student’s food in the microwave.

You should have received or will be receiving information regarding our first Hold and Secure Drill which will take place next Thursday or Friday. Let me know if you have any questions.

We had a very successful fire drill today, it went extremely well for the first one.

This information will also be posted on our website at: https://dts.hrce.ca/

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.

Together we got this!

Terry Barro