Dutch Settlement Elementary

School Opening Information update Aug 28


As part of our preparation for the reopening of school, I am pleased to share the following information:

Monitoring Your Child’s Health
Our shared health is our shared responsibility. We need families to monitor the health of their child(ren) each day before they come to school using the COVID-19 Daily Checklist. A copy of the checklist is attached or you can access it on our website at: https://dts.hrce.ca/ . Please keep your child at home when they are ill, even if their symptoms are mild, and contact 811. We will be removing attendance-based awards or incentives this school year because we do not want students coming to school when they are sick. By monitoring daily, you are doing your part to protect our shared health.

All students (PP-Grade 12) will be required to wear a mask when travelling on the school bus.
When at school, all students Grades 4 to 12 (including Grade 3 students in a combined class with Grade 4s) will be required to wear a mask. Children in Pre-Primary to Grade 3 are not required to wear a mask in school.
Students must wear their masks (including in hallways and other common areas) when they are unable to physically distance by 2 metres. If students can be seated two metres apart, facing the same direction, they may remove their mask while at their desk.
Masks can be removed when students are eating and drinking or taking part in indoor physical activity when a mask cannot be worn. Masks are not required during outdoor activities.
We will provide each student with two cloth facemasks on the first day of school. We will also have a supply on hand if a child forgets or loses one during the day.
Public Health has encouraged all of us to socialize the wearing of masks as a measure to protect our collective health. Here is a link to a video that you can watch with your children before the first day of school: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/video/covid-19-wear-non-...

Illness at School
Any student who becomes unwell at school will have a separate location in the school where they will be supervised, while they wait to be picked up.
If a child feels unwell or begins to exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, a parent or guardian will be contacted for pick-up. It is very important to ensure that your contact information and other emergency contacts for your child are kept up to date with the school during the school year.
If your child exhibits COVID symptoms, contact 811 to receive advice from Public Health on what to do next, including if/when the child can return to school.
If a COVID-19 case is identified, Public Health will provide direction to the school and HRCE on communicating with families.
This information will also be posted on our website at: https://dts.hrce.ca/
I will share other updates next week.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Together we got this!

Terry Barro